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Livestreaming has brought new potential to church services, liturgies and other events. Whether it’s due to COVID-19 or it’s someone at a nursing home or hospital, there are times when people are unable to attend Mass.  While we all prefer to celebrate Mass together with our community, livestreaming services make difficult times a little more bearable for people by not having to leave the safety of their home.

Spirit Juice Studios has been providing livestreaming solutions for the Church for the past decade.  As leaders in this technology, we’ve perfected the process of ensuring the highest quality streaming.

Depending on your needs, we can configure single or multi-camera setups for your livestream.  And we also ensure a superior broadcast to your social media platforms ensuring your followers and subscribers can easily find you when your live.  Typically we suggest streaming simultaneously to both your Facebook page as well as your YouTube channel.


And if you have staff that are capable of running your livestream, we’re able to providing consulting from on-site setup and configuration to training and testing to ensure your team feels comfortable taking the reins.  In addition to on-site support, we provide phone support and live video conferencing to assist with any streaming issues you may have.
Whether you’re looking to livestream from your phone or from one or more cameras, we can assist you in obtaining the most professional look and sound.  From camera tips to audio techniques, our team will ensure your live events and broadcasts are of the highest quality.
Our team at Spirit Juice Studios has countless hours of experience in streaming services as well as in customer service.  We’re here to serve you as you serve the Church.
We do streaming for events all the time and currently, we are streaming Mass from our Chapel each day.  So, let us know if you have any questions and how we can help you with your next event.

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